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Ohio Real Estate Media 

Terms of Service

Terms of Service 

On this page is a copy of our Terms of Service. Unauthorized use and distribution of our agreement is prohibited. By booking with Ohio Real Estate media, you or the company you are employed by is agreeing to be bound by the terms of service in your order.





Photos, Videos and 3D are intellectual property that is protected by US Copyright law. You are hiring our company for capture services and professional editing that will be used in marketing, renting and selling of a property. The person or group hiring our company for capture services is not purchasing photos, videos or 3D content. We are licensing the usage of the finished product for a specified length of time. You can not sell, gift, give, trade and you can not recoup your cost by selling the media to any stock websites. Tagging our company on social media or giving credit for to us in a publication will not be substitution for payment to license the media.


If a separate or 3rd party wants to use the media they will need to pay to re-license the media from Ohio Real Estate Media. This includes any stagers, installers, redesigns ,builders , authors or publications wanting to use the media that they did not commission for hire.


Another example would be if a new agent from a different brokerage takes over your listing or new property management company or a new company buys out your company the new party will need to pay a licensing fee to Ohio Real Estate Media. 


Real estate for sale is for a duration of 12 months. During this time both the realtor and brokerage can use their media however they see fit to market the house including Digital and Print media. If a new agent from a different brokerage took over your expired listing it would not be fair to you or us if they used the media they did not pay for to profit and market the property. Buyers agents are welcome to use the media to promote themselves also.


Rental Property is for the duration of the landlords or corporate lease ownership.When ownership is transferred the license to use the images to market the listing expires. Rentals are a longer-term usage and help to generate consistent, ongoing revenue indefinitely. The new company will need to pay for a new capture session or pay to license the media


Business, Architectural and Commercial media is for a duration of 4 years plus fees for publications.

3rd Party Usage License


A usage license is required for any 3rd parties to utilize the media for commercial usage including social media. Commercial Media includes media for profit. Your friends and colleges can share the media to help your brand which is promoting you.


If a Builder,Interior Designer, Author, Publisher, Magazine or Website wants to utilize the media to promote their brand to world using our media they will need to pay fee


3rd Party Fee per Party

1. Web Media + Social Media=$500

2. Web+Social+Print=$700

3. License per Image(Contact us to discuss your needs)




1.Client understands its obligation to prepare the job site for production before our arrival. We are able to help move things and eliminate distractions but we are not there to be a mover


2.​The property must be ready for your shoot and the Clients acknowledge they are only hiring us for Media services.For General safety and liability we do not perform non media related services while onsite. Non Media related services include extensive cleaning, moving household items, moving cars, lifting heavy objects or staging.


3.We are not working with or alongside other contractors, providers or parties on site . This means we are not working with other photographers or videographers, stagers, landscapers, cleaners, inspectors, sellers,buyers, and other agents or brokers. This will delay our time on-site and will cause delays for the rest of our team and customers.





Media assets and Deliverables will be withheld until payment is received in full. Clients will pay online or they can call in for payment




Our team is traveling for the majority of the day to each jobsite. We may be late due to traffic, other jobs that day or for equipment failure while onsite(such as a drone crash or a camera failure). We will let you know if we are running late but also reserve the right to arrive 30 mins past the scheduled time without notification.





Let us know ahead of time that you need to cancel or postpone. Shoots canceled same day are subject to a $75 cancel fee




It is solely the responsibility of the Client to reschedule with at least 24-hours notice before your session.We can always capture the inside of the property and come back later for exteriors. We do not discount our services if we do not provide exteriors. Our company also reserves the right to postpone or cancel.




Any Reshoot or additional shoots requested by a Client preferences are subject to a minimum hourly rate of one hundred and fifty dollars ($150 USD) per person per hour. Fees can possibly be waived for reshoots based on the circumstances or errors. Ohio Real Estate Media reserves the right to determine if requests are a Client's Preference or an error on our part. Reshoots will be a first come first serve and may be done by another member of our team.




If an invoice is not paid within 30 days there will be a $125 late fee. For every day past 30 days there will be a $20 per day fee added to the invoice. We reserve the right to block the client from booking again in our system. If the Client screenshots or takes the media in anyway and uses the media without payment there will be a $5,000 fine per occurrence




We will automatically book you to the closest photographer to your location. They have a 25 mile radius for travel. After 25 miles you will be charged $5 per mile one way. This essentially ends up covering the missed shoots the media professional would have had. Travel fees go directly to the person who is booked.




Delivery of Assets to customers


We deliver professional media that is curated by professional photographers/videographers/drone operators. We also have highly trained editors that create the delivered product. Our Client should understand that quality takes time. Jobs can take 1-12 hours on site and may be two day projects depending on your order. Rush Editing is available but is also subject to rush fees.  Our traditional delivery schedule is below


One (1) business day:​


Twilight and/or Virtual Twilight Photographs

3D Virtual Tours-Matterport may take 2 days to process

Listing Websites


Two (2) business days:​

All Video Projects

Most 3D Matterport Tours





Matterport includes complimentary hosting for 3 months. 3D Virtual Tours are archived after 3 months.If you need to host for more than 3 months there is a $25 per month fee for residential real estate and $55 per month for commercial real estate.






We use Epidemic sounds for our Music. We pay to use their music in our media and videos. You can choose any song from our chosen list or their library. For social media reels you can let us know what song you want to use and we will edit to the beat. We will send you a final video without music for social media. You will also need to make sure your social media account allows you to play popular songs.




So that we can meet deadlines, Client must select a song prior to their appointment. If no music is chosen or the client can not make up their mind we will find a song that fits the mood of the location


Additional Edits After Delivery. 


Additional edits after delivery will have the same 2 day turnaround time. One soft revision is free of charge. If a reshoot or complete revision is requested we may charge for a second session

3rd Party License Inquiry 

Email us  about 3rd party use

Thanks for submitting!

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